Curriculum Archived
Darlinghurst Academy curriculum statement
A curriculum that promotes Academy culture and ethos.
Here at Darlinghurst, our direction stems from our vision statement, ‘achieving excellence together’. Our values are deep rooted and underpin all aspects of academy life. It is our intent to provide a curriculum that is purposeful, relevant and engaging, where our children, irrespective of their academic ability, experience opportunities in a wide range of contexts. We aim to teach children the skills, knowledge and habits to be successful learners both now and in their future experiences as life-long learners. For more information click here
Our curriculum structure follows our principles for teaching and learning, outlined in the Darlinghurst Direction, so that all children receive a quality education. The curriculum provides a perfect starting point for exciting, engaging and motivating learning that we continue to develop innovatively to suit our children. We recognise the value of the academy providing a balance of thematic and discrete teaching with an emphasis on both knowledge and skills, with connections between subjects made and developing a range of transferable skills. For more information click here
Focused topics further enhance discrete subject areas, allowing children to develop and apply skills and knowledge to areas such as practical science and ICT, culture and diversity and staying healthy.
Our focused topic times are scheduled to include learning opportunities on culture and diversity and staying healthy. These are mapped carefully throughout the year, allowing for a deeper focus and application of knowledge and skills and allow for greater depth within the curriculum areas. Children are awarded certificates at the end of each focused topic, outlining the skills and understanding covered. For more information click here
In addition, we raise awareness of self and others, providing opportunities for our children to become physically confident and develop an understanding of the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle; to have opportunities to create, discover and explore; to express themselves; be imaginative and remain curious and creative. Awareness of others and ourselves is raised through planned key events, PHSE, RSE, assemblies and workshops.
We successfully met the criteria for the Equality and Diversity award, as well as attaining the ‘Enhanced Healthy Schools Award’. Events such as, ‘International Week’ in 2018 enabled families to participate in cultural diversity with parents, children and staff taking part in shared events.
Our curriculum design considers the social and economic backgrounds of our families and children, delivering effective provision for pupils’ personal development, behaviour and welfare, supporting moral, social and cultural development (SMSC and British Values). For more information click here
We hold emphasis on the learning and life skills so that we improve achievement by ensuring children understand how they learn and what to do to improve this, developing characteristics, values and habits to last a lifetime. At Darlinghurst, we are committed to preparing our children for learning and life, now and in the future giving them the fundamentals that they need to be contributing citizens. We provide opportunities for children to develop as active citizens in learning and academy life. Our academy values and ethos are intrinsic in all we do. As part of the academy’s vision, our house system, linked to our logo, ‘little boat’ and royal navy training schools promotes positive behaviour and encouragement and support of others is acknowledge within the house system. We continue to support children in restorative approaches to address conflicts and find resolutions, with others. For more information click here
In recognising the development of the whole child, pastoral support is given to children ensuring all can access the curriculum. Nurture sits at the heart of the academy enabling vulnerable children to access learning, be supported emotionally, consider their wellbeing and providing signposts for families.
We plan for opportunities for children to know about keeping safe linked to the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSie) document as well as promoting British Values (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect & Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs) ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as UK citizens. Fore more information click here
The curriculum design ensures that the needs of all individuals are met within an environment of high quality first teaching, supported by targeted interventions where appropriate. Live, responsive teaching, opportunities to edit and improve and talk about learning, ensures that progress happens each lesson. Opportunities to reflect on learning using ‘mark meets’ or feedback in lessons allows for further progress. In this way, the curriculum can be seen to impact in a positive way on pupil outcomes. The academy provides an inclusive environment where all learners enjoy their education and make progress across all subjects and areas of learning. Challenge is provided for all and scaffolds are in place that ensure success for all. For more information click here
Throughout the curriculum, the fundamental skills in English and Mathematics are taught and reinforced within our connected curriculum, across subjects and within dedicated teaching time. We give equal weighting to core subjects – reading, writing and maths. Teaching of our core subjects is approached through using a layered approach to teaching. We want children to understand the principles and purpose of their learning, developing a deep understanding of concepts, thinking and language. We emphasise fluency and accuracy of skills to fully support reasoning which follows. For more information click here
The Academy provides an extensive range of extra-curricular opportunities, which pupils engage with fully. We are committed to shaping the whole child and our teaching staff; including specialist teachers and regular external providers ensure that we develop the artistic flair, talents and interests of our children in sports, music, the arts, science, languages and more. Our clubs, competitions and festivals provide opportunities to engage with others within the community and beyond. Fore more information click here
We have invested in our specialist provision with inclusion for all and this has been evident through being recipients of awards, which reflects the effectiveness of the provision. We believe the pedagogy of sports and the arts in sport supports other areas of the curriculum and enhances children’s learning, physiologically allowing better learning to happen, developing learning skills such as listening, problem solving, team work and resilience.
In addition, we provide opportunities for children to create, discover and explore in order to express themselves and be imaginative. We encourage enthusiasm curiosity and creativity. The academy holds a ‘Gold Award’ in Outdoor Learning (ODL) demonstrating our intent, implementation and impact at providing opportunities for children to learn outside the classroom, providing them with challenge, exciting experiences to help them learn and problem solve. We value the environment as an Eco school, with an active Eco Team keen to have a positive footprint on their world. Fore more information click here
The impact of this wider curriculum provision is demonstrated by our academy partaking in competitions and attending a range of sporting and creative events and festivals helping to embed important British values such as fairness and respect. This in turn allows our children to build character and additional chances to achieve their best.
At Darlinghurst, we share how we intend to implement the wider curriculum with stakeholders (parents, children and governors). Year groups plan the delivery of key skills and knowledge to be delivered. This plan incorporates The Edison Connected Curriculum. Any trips or visits, which further enhance learning experiences, are included. We publish this information in the form of a curriculum overview on the school website and display these outside classrooms on notice boards. For more information click here
Homework is set weekly to consolidate and reinforce basic skills and understanding in English and Maths, with additional opportunities to develop and apply knowledge of other subject areas within the curriculum. We strive to encourage independent learning and opportunities for parents and children to work together. For more information click here
Consultation evenings with parents and our reporting processes allow us to communicate with parents at key periods within the assessment cycle. Feedback from parents informs us that they like the changes made to reporting in 2017-18. Teachers and leaders are also readily available to meet to discuss learning. We encourage two way dialogue and face-to-face communication to strengthen and build positive relationships and an academy wide culture where communication and engagement ensures effective learning together. For more information click here
We support our children in coming prepared and ready to learn and from the start of the day; we encourage children to develop independence and follow orderly routines. Knowing what is expected of them, our children are able to transition between lessons, assemblies, break and lunchtimes, demonstrating good conduct and high levels of independence.
Learning behaviours are positive and children talk openly about learning. We teach, demonstrate and promote learning habits to ensure pace and active engagement in lessons. This ensures that children are contributors to their own education. Editing and improving work is part of learning routines aiding reflective practice. Children respond to and provide feedback to others, to ‘improve as better learners’. Through the development and promotion of ‘learning and life skills’ and ‘growth mind-sets’ children consider themselves as learners and thinkers, rising to challenges and taking risks to be the best they can be. They happily grapple with learning, knowing that through challenge or mistakes learning takes place.
Enjoyment of the curriculum promotes achievement, belonging, confidence, determination and excellence, academically and socially. Children feel safe to try new things and to take risks. With growth mind-sets and belief in our mission-statement fosters a climate that we can ‘achieve excellence together’.
Curriculum contacts
For more information about our curriculum please contact the members of staff listed below:
- KS1 and KS2 Curriculum – Mrs Hahn
- Reception Curriculum – Mrs Dutton
- To download our school curriculum visit the Connected Curriculum page