Pupil Premium


At Darlinghurst we promote: inclusive culture, foster empowerment, raise the attainment of all of our children no matter their prior attainment, support emotional, health and wellbeing. Our academy priorities drive our approach to supporting the needs of all children, including our disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. 

Academy priority 1  Provide targeted action to overcome barriers: unleashing the potential of all children at risk to achieve their best possible outcomes. 
Academy Priority 2 Improve children’s social-emotional skills; developing effective long-term patterns of response, resulting in excellent behaviours and attitudes. 

Premium funding (informed by evidence-based approaches from the EEF and proven approaches for similar schools and our own successes) will be used to provide activities to: support the quality of teaching, provide targeted academic support and deal with non-academic barriers. We will support the quality of teaching through the provision of PD, provide targeted academic support within year groups (provision map) and deal with non-academic barriers that disadvantaged children face such as attendance, wellbeing and relationship building.

We intend implementing a 3-year approach that will be responsive to common challenges and individual needs, rooted in robust diagnostic assessment and not assumptions about the impact of disadvantage.  Like the pupil premium, we will spend the recovery premium on a wider cohort of pupils than those who attract the funding and direct recovery premium spending where we think the need is greatest. The academy will use Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium funding together to support our children to make progress, increase attainment outcomes and narrow the gap between PP and Non-PP

The academy will review and evaluate the impact of expenditure for provision at termly intervals throughout the academic year, measuring progress against the success criteria. Where available, internal and external data and information will be used to evaluate progress. We will show how we are using the recovery premium effectively by reporting on our use of recovery premium as part of our pupil premium strategy statement. As with all government funding, Darlinghurst Academy must be able to account for how this money is being used to achieve our central goal of improving the attainment of our disadvantaged. This policy is in place to ensure funding is allocated and spent appropriately with accountability of educational performance, including scrutiny by governors and trustees. Academy leaders with responsibility for the plan, work with key stakeholders and line managers. The Principal and Vice Principal are accountable through direct line management and to the governing Body, with regular reports and updates to the governing body. 

Please click here to read the Pupil Premium Strategy

Pupil premium: overview – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Recovery premium: overview – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Pupil premium 2023-24: conditions of grant for local authorities – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

School-led tutoring guidance (publishing.service.gov.uk)