
At Darlinghurst, we encourage children to practice and rehearse key skills for core learning. This includes weekly spellings, daily times tables and daily reading. In addition, to support our broad and balanced curriculum, children also learn information from the half termly knowledge organiser that links to our connected curriculum.

We provide a blend of online and paper-based learning. Each half term, homework sheets are sent home in purple homework books. This is replicated online to parents via our MCAS platform. Children receive logins to access various learning platforms, and these are sent home at the start of the academic year. Should your child’s login be misplaced, parents can contact our IT team at ICTSupport@darlinghurstacademy.org.uk  for information to be re-issued.

Please click on the icons below and information links to find out more.


Accelerated Reader – Information (see attached updated document)


Times Tables Rock Stars – Information (see attached updated document)


Numbots – Information (see attached updated document)


DB Primary Interactive Learning and Email Platform for children and staff within the Darlinghurst Community