Reception Admissions
Should you need any help or guidance with this process, please contact Mrs Lowe on 01702 509201 or by email
Admissions 25/26
Admissions 24/25

Is your child due to start school in September 2025?
Parents/carers of children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 will need to apply for a Primary School place.
How do you apply for a place at Darlinghurst Academy?
Please apply through the local authority at for an application for Reception and Year 3 placements.
How do you apply for an in year place at Darlinghurst Academy?
We provide our own admissions process for in-year admissions, please contact Mrs Lowe on 01702 509201 or by
Alternatively click here to download a copy of our admissions form.
What if your child already attends Darlinghurst Nursery?
Parents/carers of children in nursery will still need follow to the admission process and apply through the local authority at, if you have any queries please contact Mrs Lowe on 01702 509201 or by email
How do you apply for a place at Darlinghurst Nursery?
At Darlinghurst nursery we accept children into Nursery once they turn 3 years old.
We have 3 intake groups throughout the academic year, September, January and April.
We provide our own admissions policy, please contact for any nursery queries. Please click here to download a copy of our Nursery admissions form.
Following your school offer, if you would like to appeal against the decision please follow the link: