House Points

We aspire to build a successful
community of adults and children who believe in their own abilities and have
the confidence to face any challenges with the determination to achieve their goals. To create a culture in which individuals both respect and celebrate differences and diversity, becoming caring citizens who contribute positively to our school and the wider community.

At Darlinghurst, we award house points to children that consistently demonstrate being ‘ready to learn’. Children who take on every learning opportunity to its full potential and support others to do the same. Fostering a culture of respect for learning and enthusiasm for community spirit.
House points are collected during school events such as Shaping the Future and Sports Days.
Prefects collect in weekly house points, and these are then celebrated weekly in our Friday virtual celebration assembly (EYFS to Y6).
At the end of each half term, the house with the highest team points (collectively) receives a celebratory reward. Half termly prizes could include additional break, extended lunchtimes, additional games sessions etc.
Announcements of winning houses is communicated via Celebration Assemblies, KIT and Instagram posts.