Please click here to see our Starting Nursery Booklet

How do you apply for a place at Darlinghurst Nursery?
At Darlinghurst nursery we accept children into Nursery once they turn 3 years old. Funding can start at the age of 2 upwards and parents can check their eligibility on GOV.UK. This means that they may start with us from their 3rd birthday or the term after. Funded places are allocated termly.
Our Admissions officer, Miss Davis can help with any enquiries. 01702 509205 or contact

Click here for our admissions form
Darlinghurst Academy supports the education of children from age 3 to 11.
Our integral Nursery provides the start of their journey within the Early Years. We call this the Rockpool.
Our Nursery, known as ‘Tiddlers’ and Reception classes, ‘Jellyfish and ‘Starfish’ are part of the Foundation stage.
The area is central to the academy with designated indoor and outdoor spaces.
The Nursery is a caring and nurturing space with a passionate team who are well loved by children and parents past and present.
Click on the poster below to find out more and how to book a space at Tiny Tiddlers.
It is never too early to start thinking about the Early Years!