Junior Governors
At Darlinghurst Academy we have a group of Junior Governors who work
hard to ensure the voices of all the children in school are heard. The
Junior Governors are made from a group of students who have been
democratically elected for the role by their classmates. We are happy to
have extended the role to both KS2 and KS1 pupil this year to better
represent the voice of all pupils.
Role of the Junior Governors
- The Junior Governors’ main job is to represent the children in their
class and ensure that all voices and opinions on matter in school are
heard. - To feedback to their classes on matters discussed at Junior Governor meetings.
- The Junior Governors are always involved in the interviewing of new
staff at the school and have done a brilliant job of selecting
candidates. - Junior Governors are often called upon to represent out school at important events.
- Liaising with principal and Governors on issues of concern to students.
The Junior Governors meet regularly with Ms Sankey.
The meetings often include special guests for the Junior Governors to
feedback to.