The Curriculum Overview

Holistic success is central to our design; developing the whole child. With our children at the center, the curriculum hand outlines the main strands of our curriculum offer. 


Curriculum Overview 23-24


Core Skills

Click here to read Why Reading?

Click here to read Why Writing?

Click here to read Why Phonics?

Click here to read Why Maths?

* Skills 

Click here to read Why Computing?

Click here to read Why Music?

Click here to read Why French?

* Connected Curriculum 

Click here to read Why Art?

Click here to read Why Science?

Click here to read Why Geography?

Click here to read Why History? 

Click here to read Why Outdoor Learning?

* Faiths and Well-being 

Click here to read Why RSHE (SPACE)?

RSHE – Right to withdraw

Parents/carers are consulted and informed about the academy’s sex education policy and practice and are invited in to the academy to review content taught, discuss any issues of concern or ask questions. There is a requirement to teach the elements of sex education contained in the Science curriculum and therefore there is no right to withdraw from these lessons. However, parents have the right to withdraw their children from some or all of the sex education lessons. Requests for withdrawal should be put in writing and addressed to the Principal. The Principal will automatically grant the request to withdraw a pupil from sex education and alternative work will be given to these pupils.

Click here to read Why PE?

Click here to read Why RE?

RE – Right to withdraw

RE is provided for all pupils, and is inclusive and broad minded. Parents do have the right to withdraw pupils from RE: if you wish to do this, please make your request in writing and addressed to the Principal. The school does not support selective withdrawal from RE.

Click here to read Why Learning and life skills?

* Active Citizens 

Click here to read Why Active Citizens?

* Why SMSC, British Values and LLS

Click here to read Why SMSC and British Values?