Assemblies at Darlinghurst
At Darlinghurst we come together to reflect and celebrate.
Every Monday morning KS1 and KS2 come together to consider the Darlinghurst Direction, values and key messages.
Direction assembly themes link to one of the three rules: Ready, Respect and Safe.
For example, a Respect assembly will have links to our British Values and our community.
A Safe assembly maybe linked to online, in the community, fire safety and sun safety or keeping ourselves safe and well with time to consider our wellbeing and emotional resilience.
Assemblies also includes deeper days and events such as Hello Yellow, Children in Need, Just One Tree, Anti-bullying and more.
Special events linked to our diverse community are also shared. Special visitors and assemblies are hosted with links to Faith and Wellbeing, our love of reading.
We provide the space and support to help our children grow and navigate the world around them.
Throughout the year there is also time to sing and share. We also have a weekly Virtual Celebration assemblies include ‘Celebrating Excellence’ postcards, ‘Attendance’ and ‘House points’. Every class comes together to celebrate. It also includes personal and class success.
Year 4 come together to celebrate and motivate children to practise their recall of times tables. Key stats for TTRockstars are compared including how long children have logged in for and how many children in each class has participated each week. Certificates are given for improvement in studio speed, the biggest increase in correct answers and improvement in accuracy. Children are also encouraged to look at their heat mats and play ‘soundcheck’ in readiness for the multiplication times table check.
Each week, children across the school are awarded certificates for TTRockstars and Numbots and the top three children in KS2 and KS1 are celebrated.