Extended Childcare

We recognise the importance of extended provision and wraparound childcare. Our school-based provision supports families who require childcare beyond the conventional school day. Our extended provision operates during term time for children from Reception through to Year 6. This enables children to start their day early at breakfast club (from 7:30) or attend our after -school club, known as Little Mariners, (until 18:00).

As a school run provision, we use existing staff and staff employed specifically for wraparound care. This ensures that we continue to provide our children with existing relationships and the wraparound care compliments our academy activities and approaches. This includes following our 3 rules: ready, respect and safe within our ‘Positive relationships policy’.

Breakfast club and Little Mariners is suited in our side hall with a kitchen and break out space. The outdoor area is also accessed for games and free play. Parents/carers handover children via the side hall door.

The team

Mrs Grant – Operational Lead

Anna Cross – Dedicated Wraparound Care Manager

Kirstene Dorell – Breakfast Club Manager

Breakfast club

Our breakfast club opens at 7:30 and costs £4.50 per child per morning. Mrs Dorell and the team support the children at the start of the day providing breakfast and morning activities.

We encourage healthy eating and offer a range of breakfast cereals, toast, fruit, yoghurts, milk, fruit juice and other special items to add variety and choice.

Little Mariners- after school club

Little Mariners runs from the end of the school day until 18:00. Sessions are flexible to meet the family need with two possible collection times and the opportunity to book sessions in advance.

Sessions cost £9 per child for a full session – to 18:00 or £4.50 if pupils are collected by 16:30. A range of activities are planned for the week including physical activity, free play and organised games/activities. Children are provided with refreshments and snacks.

The club closes at 18:00. All children should be collected by or promptly at this time. Any children that are not collected by 18:00 will be supervised by the safeguarding officer. Please be aware that late collection charges may apply.

Should there be any extreme circumstances that influence collection please contact: Miss Cross on 07895708800

Booking system

After careful consideration of accessibility and affordability of extended care we use an online booking system for ease within ‘ParentPay’. This allows existing families to pre-book regular spaces but also for families that may have ad hoc need for childcare.

Should you wish to book breakfast or after school club sessions for your child, you can access the booking system via your ParentPay account. This enables you to secure the days and times you wish your child to attend and to make amendments should circumstances change.

We aim to make fees as affordable to families as possible. Our finance team and extended care team are on hand to assist parents. We promote and support government subsidies such as TaxFree Childcare and Universal Credit Childcare, which can help parents with the affordability of childcare and support us with the sustainability of provision.


In the unlikely event of Little Mariners sessions being cancelled, the school will inform the named parent/carer by phone or text message as soon as possible to enable you to make alternative arrangements.

Holiday and food programme

We signpost parents to wraparound care programmes in the local area including holiday activities and food programmes. Mrs Grant will provide further information to parents on request. We also hold an Easter and Summer School for children in receipt of Pupil Premium. Mrs Hahn is the
lead for this provision. The provision includes a range of activities with the specialist teachers, teachers and support staff and are enjoyed by all.

Parental voice

A wraparound care survey has been sent April 2024 to gauge parental need, in support of the Local Authority.
