Tea and Talk

Tea and Talks provide an informal approach for parents and staff to come together to talk about the curriculum and how to support children in their learning. The sessions attended provide information on curriculum content and approach, they also provide the opportunity for parents to form friendships and parent networks.

They are well attended and parental feedback is very positive.
‘It was great having a good chat with parents and teachers’
‘It was lovely to meet other parents, particularly those I haven’t been able to do put names to faces yet. Great opportunity – thank you!’
‘Presented very well and extremely informative’
‘This was a lovely introduction to the nursery. Talking to the teachers was lovely as I don’t get much information out of my child! Would love another session in the future’
‘Session met all issues and explained the importance of TTRS. Now I have to motivate my child to practice more TTRS!”
‘The session was very interesting and helpful’
‘What a great session. The tips on how we can help the kids at home, super useful. Would love another session on phonics and maths. Loved the addition of the name badge. Miss Wise, what an excellent presenter!’
‘This has been very helpful in understanding what my son is learning and how I can help’
‘So glad I came, very informative and I look forward to the next session’
Click here to see out Tea and Talk presentation
Click here to see our Tea and Talk overview for 2023-2024

Dates of future Tea and Talks will be advertised in KIT and also sent via SchoolPing. Please email mrsalexander@darlinghurstacademy.org.uk should you have any questions.
Details of other information events can be found here:
Year 1 Phonics Tea and Talk 2024
Developing Positive Relationships – Year 5 & 6 2024
Reception maths tea and talk 2024
EYFS phonics workshop November 2023
Tea and Talk KS2 SATs September 23
TTRS parents info presentation
WCR AR Parent Tea and Talk 2023