The Arts


The children at Darlinghurst receive an art or design, and technology lesson each week from our specialist teacher. The lessons are taught in a specialised classroom environment dedicated solely to the subject area and the children’s achievements.

The aim is to reinforce, in a fun and creative way, that learning can be extended and enhanced through the arts which supports the children to enhance life skills. We also celebrate important festivals and anniversaries such as Remembrance Day where we decorated all of our gates with hand-crafted poppies.

We are fortunate to have a large range of materials for the children to use and experiment with both in and out of the classroom. The emphasis is on skills, aptitude and perseverance where all children encourage each other; creating an atmosphere for the children to create and thrive.

From Year 1 onwards we collate the children’s artwork in order to celebrate their amazing creativity throughout their primary years at Darlinghurst. When the children leave in Year six their art collection remains with them, giving them a head start and reference for their future creative endeavours. Any subject knowledge gained about an artist, style or the use of certain media will support the children as they move on to secondary school.

From Nursery to year six the children take part in a vast array of activities, from clay sculptures of hedgehogs in the early years, abstract impressionist painting, to pop and classical art. We also explore practical skills which we all use in our adult lives such as: sewing, weaving, natural sculptures, and photography. Where possible we ensure that the art is linked to the many other subjects taught. Some examples of these linked activities are healthy ice lolly and chocolate making. We also have visitors to the art room such as artists, performance poets and art students. We learn about artists and designers such as Andy Warhol, Picasso, Christopher Ofili, Andrew Goldsworthy, Quentin Blake and Damien Hurst.

At Darlinghurst we have great links to outside art and design groups who are just as passionate about enhancing and inspiring our children’s creative abilities as we are.

We also liaise with other Primary schools in our area with regard to art and design in order to create future exciting community based projects for the children to enjoy.

From early years we reinforce respect for equipment and observe the correct and safe way to behave in an art room. The children develop a critical eye for art work whether it is work belonging to their peers or themselves. We use a gallery style walkabout during most lessons in order for the children to gain an objective and individual opinion of art and design.

Darlinghurst Academy has been awarded a double silver award at the South East Essex Design Competition, and we are looking forward to future entries in the Leigh Art Trail this year.

The children are taught that a career in the creative sector is just as valid and important as any other and is an integral part of our society whether it is for advertising, selling, designing or well-being and pleasure. This adds meaning to their work and inspires our learners and allows them to acquire new skills as well as offering them an outlet for their emotions. 


Performing Arts at Darlinghurst provides everyone with an opportunity to create, discover and explore. Our bespoke curriculum (with extensive links to the Edison Connected Curriculum) takes the children of Darlinghurst on a journey, storytelling, building confidence and belief.

Performing Arts teaching begins in the Nursery and continues up to and including Year 6, and the enthusiasm with which all children in the school embrace Performing Arts enables many pupils to reach an outstanding level of understanding and knowledge.

Children at Darlinghurst also have the chance to learn instruments with our visiting team of instrumental specialists. We currently offer lessons at the keyboard, flute, clarinet, saxophone, drums, guitar (electric or acoustic), ukelele, and violin, and we have over 130 children taking advantage of those lessons.

Ms White leads our school Choir, which performs not only in school but also frequently in the local community – winning “Best School Choir” at the 2015 Village Green in Chalkwell Park.

Our yearly school musical also provides the children with the unique opportunity to perform, previous productions have included adaptations of Robin Hood, Aladdin and Joseph. Last year children performed Pirates and Merfolks, which was enjoyed by family and the local community. 

Performing Arts at Darlinghurst aims to provide your child not just with the best preparation for further Performing Arts study (at secondary or even university level), but with an opportunity to create, discover and explore a world from all cultures, styles, traditions and approaches. We encourage enthusiasm, creativity and curiosity – there’s always time for one more question!