Core Skills

Phonics/Whole class reading EYFS to Y6:

Our phonics programme is bespoke and follows a systematic synthetic form of teaching which meets the criteria set out in the DfE Reading Framework validation document (April 2021). It teaches children to both blend and segment words and recognise by sight non-decodable words. Children learn to recognise the sound to the letter name, learn how to form the letter through the teaching of rhymes. This means our children develop reading fluency (accuracy and speed) alongside developing their letter formation. Once children progress through all the phonics groupings, they enter whole class reading.

Click on the Reading Curriculum Overview to find out more

Click here to see our Reading Text Overview

Writing EYFS to Y6:

Our writing curriculum is bespoke and provides opportunities for children to build skills through shared and independent lessons. Children are encouraged to use their imaginations in a supportive and inspiring way and to see themselves as authors. They learn how to edit and improve their work and to challenge themselves with adventurous vocabulary across a range of text types. Our youngest children are given the opportunity to experiment with writing tools and equipment to communicate their thoughts and ideas across the provision.

Click on the Writing Curriculum Overview to find out more

Click here to see our Writing Text Overview

Mathematics EYFS to Y6:

We have adopted a mastery approach for the teaching of mathematics. Ensuring that all children master the key concepts before moving on to the next topic – mastering the fundamentals is key to understanding and confident mathematicians. We followed a layered lesson approach that is structured to support all children, providing consistency across the academy from our early years to endo of KS2. We incorporate CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) to each lesson, creating the necessary scaffold to support or challenge children’s learning.

Click on the Mathematics Curriculum Overview to find out more

Click here to read out Maths Mastery Unit Overview

Assessment in Core Skills:

We use target cards for writing and maths showing assessment criterion against the National Curriculum Framework. For phonics, we refer to our groupings grid which shows the progression required to move through the programme and into whole class reading.

Click Here for the Writing Targets

Click Here for the Maths Targets