The Curriculum Overview
Holistic success is central to our design; developing the whole child. With our children at the centre, the curriculum hand outlines the main strands of our curriculum offer.


The curriculum is organised into strands with subjects grouped within each strand.

The core skills strand includes: phonics, reading, writing and mathematics.
The teaching of English follows bespoke programmes. The Maths curriculum adopts a Mastery approach using maths mastery and includes the academy focus on arithmetic.

The Skills strand covers discrete subjects – Computing, French and Music.
The teaching of Computing follows a bespoke programme with ‘plugged’ and ‘unplugged’ units.
The Music curriculum adopts lessons from Charanga Musical schools. The academy has created a customised learning pathway using elements of the two schemes – Original scheme and the Model music scheme.
The French curriculum is delivered through ‘Language Angels’ an interactive resource.

The Connected curriculum follows a progression model.
Strands cover: humanities, understanding the world, nature and Sustainability. The key subjects are: Science, History, Geography and Climate change.
Connections are made across foundation subjects practically to support application and depth of learning.
Units of study are mapped to ensure threshold concepts are understood, alongside skills and character development.

The Faith and Well being strand includes: RSHE (known as SPACE lessons), PE and RE.
The teaching of RSHE follow DFE guidance and mapped as the academy programme.
The PE curriculum is a bespoke curriculum and includes health and fitness.
The RE curriculum follows the agreed syllabus for RE for Southend. The academy has created a customised learning pathway for coverage.

Learning and Life Skills is taught alongside the curriculum. It supports children in:
Personal, social and emotional development
Communication skills
Thinking skills
There are six units of study.

SMSC supports Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development alongside Academy and British values. The Golden Thread is woven throughout the curriculum.

The curriculum supports children’s education and awareness of Sustainability. This is linked to the connected curriculum and content within the Climate change unit. As a Sustainable school we hold Green Flag Status and the first school to be awarded an Eco award for the work of the Eco and Sports Committees (SSPCA). Other certificates demonstrate our commitment.
We are a ‘Healthy School’ and hold enhanced status.
For more information visit each page to look at curriculum overviews and progression.