Parent SATs Information
National curriculum Assessment (commonly called SATs) are held in May.
The SATS results are an opportunity to compare children nationally to ensure that we are helping children to master the expected skills in Reading, GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) and Maths and that they make progress. These assessments are also an important tool to help teachers identify children who may need additional support and address any gaps they might have. Writing is assessed by the year 6 teachers and moderated externally.
KS2 tests (Y6) are taken up and down the country in the same order:
- Monday: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
- Tuesday: Reading
- Wednesday: Arithmetic Paper 1 and Maths Reasoning Paper 2
- Thursday: Maths Reasoning Paper 3
SATs Preparation Tips for Parents and Carers
Here at Darlinghurst, we support children with readiness for their next stages by teaching them knowledge, learning and life skills, promoting growth mind sets and considering mental health.
You will know your child best and will choose which
tips will help your child from the list below;
- Your child will be well prepared in school: they will experience past assessment papers and revise key curriculum areas to give them confidence.
- If your child is not on level 420 on the Garage game in Times Tables Rock Stars, ensure they play for at least 5 minutes every day Use the BBC Bitesize’ website:
- Remind your child how well they are doing and how proud they make you feel
- Help your child to put the assessment week into perspective. Whilst we all want them to do well, we want them to be reassured that life goes on as normal after the assessments
- Help your child to continue eating healthily and exercising
- Help your child to get sufficient rest. Make the hour before bedtime as relaxing as possible – no revision then.
- Encourage your child to read regularly for pleasure their teacher will be able to make recommendations. Once they finish a book, direct them to complete a quiz on Accelerated Reader.
Readiness for KS2 SATs week
- On the day of an assessment, give your child plenty of reassurance.
- Send them in to school for our early SATs breakfast so they arrive in good time and in readiness for the SATs, spending time with staff and friends.